Grand Theft Auto PSONE Video Game Review

User Rating: 8 | G.T.A: Grand Theft Auto (Pokkiri 1400 Series) PS
The very first Grand Theft Auto game on the PSONE and the PC electrified the whole Grand Theft Auto franchise, and has remained a cult classic. This game, along with the other games of Grand Theft Auto; is to be considered a milestone in video game history. Well, I, for one agree with these tasteful critiques, and, I think that Grand Theft Auto, the very first game, on the PSOne and the PC, is the best game of Grand Theft Auto, and you wish that classic gameplay could have always remained this way.

There are quite a few differences on the early Grand Theft Auto, to the new Grand Theft Auto franchise we know and love. For starters, the exploration in the game, will mostly involve you in your car exploring the three cities quite a lot of time, rather than the new Grand Theft Auto, you can mostly wonder around on foot to accsess anywhere. Also, here's probably one of the biggest differences in the game, there are real levels in this game. Wheras, the newer Grand Theft Auto, mainly wants you to encounter missions in mostly one area. The levels are: Vice City, Liberty City and San Andreas. Also, the camrea is on a top angle following your car and you on foot.

The most popular difference in the game is that to acsess your wonderfully fun missions, you must get to a blue phone on the streets to get a missions. The missions still carry the cool violent exterior of Grand Theft Auto, but you would talk to characters to recieve a mission in the new Grand Theft Auto instead. When you have to walk to get to your mission, it takes quite a long while to get there, whereas, in the more famous version, the missions are less than 2 yards away.

When you use your much-loved Machine Gun; a blue line will come out and will aim so you can shoot your villianous ruffians.

Grand Theft Auto on the PSONE, will always be my favourite Grand Theft Auto game, and will always remain a classic to tasteful video game protaginists.