Bad – poor graphic, some painful bugs Good – interesting storyline

User Rating: 7.5 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City PC
Bad – poor graphic (maybe good for 2002 but not for nowadays), some painful bugs (e.x. a transparent bar stand in pizzerias), Tony just dies when he drops into the water (why?), no free hero rotation or car rotation, bad orientation on the map (your location is indicated by a big arrow and there is no way to get where you are), a lot of characters including Tony move weirdly, no funny radio stations, no mini-games or memorable jokes as in GTA SA, very fair driving control, the general outlines of Miami City are represented quite inaccurately, in comparison with GTA III there isn't so much something new, sometimes it becomes boring.

Good – interesting storyline, lots of famous songs and bands on all radio stations such as Limp Bizkit, Eminem etc., all good things we know about GTA series.