What does this game not have, from top to bottom this game has everything.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PS2
Wow, I had so much fun playing this game, and what is a better indication of a great game. Story, controls, gameplay, features, extras, customization, GTA San Andreas addresses each of these areas, and not only has them, but has them done well. This game just got it, the perfect formula, there's just so much to do, you will never get bored with this game, from taking over gang territories, to gambling in Las Venturas, to taking your private jet from your private airfield and flying (or crashing...and don't forget about skydiving) anywhere you want to. The open world of the GTA franchise has always appealed to people, and San Andreas has the biggest appeal of all. This is definitely one of my favorite games, and one that is without a doubt worth another play through perhaps with cheats this time... $250,000 Full Health and Armor anyone, yah you know what I'm talking about.