Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
For all those interested in knowing which version is better, all I could say is," sorry to dissapoint you, but both versions are fantastic." I've been playing for over 2 solid straight weeks and nearly finishing the game, yet, it's the most addictive game ever made, and plowing through the game to brag you're finished is not thoroughly playing and enjoying it, as it's one of the longest action games ever. The story mode alone will take at least 30 hours, without side missions, and mini games. Add these extra activities and the game could be played infinitely. We know the story is excellent, we know the sound fx is excellent and we know the game looks great (if you have a QUALITY HDTV of course). But if you were to choose between the PS3 and Xbox360, BOTH are fantastic. Graphics wise, in my humble opinion, being a PS3 loyalist, the 360 is slightly sharper and the lighting, though intense is great. The PS3 is smoother looking, making the game look more cinematic, with color palette more natural looking, giving it an artistic portrait look, whereas the 360 looks vibrant, sharp, with textures comming alive looking like, in a good way, a comic book (us Marvel readers can relate). Both have a uique look, so it's a matter of console preference as opposed to console war. There's no arguing that the PS3 has quicker loading time and the controls are more user friendly, plus, adding the sixasis, makes the PS3 a more acceptable choice. As far as Multiplayer, it's a matter of being a multiplayer junkie. And that honor goes to the 360 because there's more players to play with online. Remember to folks, this is GTAIV, so the camera swirving, clumsy fighting controls and getting used to the driving physics is typical GTA. The developers are making this game as realistic as possible and not play as arcadish as we're used to. Bottom line, although there's hundreds of player reviews, most favoring console favoritism, Grand Theft Auto IV is an excellent game on both consoles. It all comes down to which console you have. Is this a perfect 10? in terms of video game innovation, presentation, creativity and jump to next gen graphics, YES. If you're looking for a God's perfect, flawless, no tech hitch creation then NO. People, understand nothing's perfect except God. Other than that, this game is the most deserving perfect 10 in video gaming History, along side MGS4 (coming out soon). There are always a few peasants that will nitpick, critizise and call for attention on a big blockbuster videogame like this and low score the game. They are what they are. If you grew up playing and loving GTA, this is the greatest game ever made. If not, go back to Mario Kart or Pac Man. GTAIV is THE greatest action game ever made. (Uhmm, maybe MGS4 is better?)