this game is definatly the best grand theft auto to date

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PS3
In the past years the Grand theft auto series has inspired many copiers to make a game similar to GTA and also provoked some people to go insane and on a killing spree, and is renound as the best Game ever, this game raises the bar. the controls have been reworked and make the game that much better, along with the new cover system featured in uncharted Drakes fortune and gears of war. the story is decent, after raising hell in europe Niko Belic has moved to liberty city to live the American dream (as told by his cousin Roman) but he quickly finds himself in the middle of gang wars, corupt police and loan sharks who want him and his cousin dead. this game has also made the mobile phone more useful by allowing you to send and receive calls, activate cheats and also chat to players in the online multiplayer. with all this in the game, its a wonder there is any disc space left