Grand Theft Auto IV is hands down the best GTA as well as one of the greatest games I have ever played.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto IV X360
The story in Grand Theft Auto IV is the best in the series. You care about Niko all the way through the game and want him to succeed. The city is my favorite part of the game. It is so immersing that I find myself just walking around looking at the city and the people while still having a great time. This game never gets old. It's been out for nearly three years and I still play this game all the time. Also, with the tow episodes from Liberty City this game is truly a bargain and a masterpiece. There is so much content aside from the awesome storyline that it would be stupid not to buy this game. Grand Theft Auto is in my opinion the best game series ever created and GTA IV raises the bar from the already hugely successful previous games. With Grand Theft Auto IV Rockstar not only proves it is the king of open world games, but they also top any previous masterpiece they have created.