Grand Theft Auto IV is a fun and addictive game and one of the best third-person shooters on the market.

User Rating: 8.5 | Grand Theft Auto IV PC
Grand Theft Auto IV was a game I wanted for 2 years, I finally got it early spring of 2012 and played the hell out of it. So what did I think? Excellent game. Funny jokes, great characters, nice side missions and mini-games, lots of replay value because of thousands of mods to choose from, good shooting mechanics, and one of the most brilliant physics to date. The list goes on and on. This game was so great, that I call this the best game that came out in 2008. But, it does have downsides though. For example, a dark and dingy atmosphere. It also has repetitive missions, literally every mission in the game is to "kill this group of people", and if it does have an original mission, its freaking hard, take that Paper Trail mission, it took me 4 tries to do. It also got no save cloud, my hard drive got cleared out last month and I had to complete the game again. Plus, you need GFWL to save your games (not to the cloud).

But if you ignore these downsides, Grand Theft Auto IV is a fun and addictive game and one of the best third-person shooters on the market.