GTA III doesn't wait until the fat lady sings. It just simply interrupts her with a head-banging thrill ride.

User Rating: 10 | Grand Theft Auto III PS2
Rockstar absolutely delivered with Grand Theft Auto 3, the first of the series to be in 3D. They still carried over the same formula as the first two. Kill, steal, drive. Drive anywhere, steal anything, kill anyone. And it comes with a punch to the gut with explosive cinematic moments and off-the-wall humor as you explore the mean streets of Liberty City. As far as the actual campaign goes, you may be able to complete missions at your leisure and at the same time, do whatever you want, whenever you want. However, to progress to other islands (unlock) you have to complete certain missions in order to obtain this goal. Once you do so, you are able to have the entire city at your finger-tips which means an intense endeavor throughout the city.

As far as the in-game story goes; you are a nameless criminal who was betrayed by a con girlfriend during a heist. You are seeking retribution, but more importantly are aiming sky high to climb the ladder of corruption, power, dishonor and crime. The further your nameless buddy goes, the more people you encounter and these folks are either reliable assets or back-stabbing mafioso men who will kill anyone and do anything to keep their name clean. Therefore choose wisely on the people you want to trust or the people you can toss away like yesterday's garbage.

I had an incredible time enduring GTA III for the open world environment that is bestowed upon you. It gives you a sense of freedom and turns on your exploration side of you. I would go around for hours punching random people for no apparent reason and casually walking away. Or stirring up law enforcement by having an all-out-war with the authorities, flailing rocket RPGs all over the place. The detail to the game is very exquisite for 2001. The back-drop of the city looked like a giant bowl of eye candy and the swaying of the trees as wind gusts came through really gave you a piece of mind as you're taking a break watching your nameless buddy stand there mugging pedestrians as they're walking by. The cars and even the people looked really good for being a Playstation 2 game, but then again, almost all of the all-time great games were ported to the PS2.

Graphics: 9.5
Sounds: 10
Combat system: 9.5
Replay value: 10

Overall: 10

Grand Theft Auto 3 is full of endless hours of knee-slapping, guilty fun. If you had not experience the game yet, by god, bring 2001 into your livingroom and have a damn good time.