Awsome! Changed video games forever

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto III PS2
GTA 3 is definatly the best game of 2001. While there were no wordrobe changes or motorcycles like in the later games, but the story line is the best, better than Vice city or San Andreas. The graphics are good for that period of time. Another bad thing about GTA 3 is that Claude has no diolouge! How can you make a protaganist without diolauge although there was alot of parents that thought their kid were going to go on a killing rampage if they played this game. Rockstar made a bold move putting this game out after 2001. The story is simple and membreable, a man betrayed and left for dead in possibly the worst, gang ridden, crime filled city in America. The weapons were unique to this game. No other shotgun in any other GTA game can stand up to the shotgun in GTA 3 lol. Violece in this game is higher than any other game. The cheat to gain the abillity to shoot peoples arms off were just out right funny. The setting is also the second best in the series (next to Vice City). The music in this game fells like they took some half-assed sound track made by amatur artist and put it into a game.