Possibly the best DS game ever made!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars DS

* 2D/3D gives a great view of the game
* Using the stylus to break into cars, put together guns, break locks, defuse bombs adds a new in depth feature like no other in the series.
* NEW drug dealer mini games, makes it really fun to earn more money and risky if cops are near by!
* Like able characters and characteristics.
* Exclusive to the DS, scratch cards, tattoo parlour, and two player mini games.


* Story mode has not got that umph like previous games.

This truly is a great game, and for the first 18 rated game to come out on the DS, shows that the DS can make adults a lot more interested in playing.

Right from the beginning you are engrossed in the gameplay and graphical content, its a complete surprise with the 2D/3D gameplay, gives a new perspective on things and helps with driving, shooting, fighting, and also makes many places recognisable from GTA IV.

All that you need to know without spoiling it is that this could possibly be the best game on the DS, and it will take a lot to beat it.

You won't be able to put it down, and you will spend a lot of the time playing mini games as they can be very addictive.

So give it a go