MOST realistic tennis game ever!!! Everyone should give it a try!!!

User Rating: 9 | Grand Slam Tennis WII
I was really looking forward to the release of this game after watching the trailers. Well, I was not disappointed at all. In fact, this game is rather impressive.

Although the graphic is not "real" enough but I must say that the characters are cute plus so many players are there to choose. When come to the players included in this game, it definitely beats virtua tennis 2009 amd top spin 3. Personally, I prefer the graphic of this game knowing the limitation of wii. In addition, the grunting of the players is really realistic. It sounds like the players actually recorded their own sounds for the game.

As for the game play, I play the game with and without wii motion plus.I must say that with wii motion plus,it just feel like you are swinging a tennis racket. The only different is you don't have to run for the shot. Also, the risk of over hitting is there, this just make it so real!!!

Well, if I really need to state a bad thing about the game is probably more courts, allow player to choose outfits for the pro players.

Other than that, this game is peRFect!!!