The good parts of this game, outweigh the bad.

User Rating: 7.5 | Grand Slam Tennis WII
This is basically a short run down of comparing the two new tennis games for the Wii using WiiMotion+

I like the pace of the ball better and I think the court feels more open, maybe because of the camera angle. I feel I have more time to react. But it seems the Wiimotion+ does absolutely nothing in this game. The same thing could be accomplished with just pressing a button. The graphics are borderline laughable.

The EA tennis is more responsive to the WiiMotion+ when it comes to placing a shot. Plus going with the cartoon look works in their favor, ends up looking better for the Wii graphics.

In both game there are points when you feel you should be swinging and the character just doesn't respond, but this could just mean I need more practice.

I feel VT would get old quick but EA has more replay value.
Definitely rent both first, preferably at the same time.

My ratings
VT - 5/10
EA - 7.5/10
