The best looking and handling portable driving game to date.

User Rating: 8.5 | Gran Turismo: The Real Driving Simulator PSP
What every review fails to mention in the technical department is the fact that there is obviously anti-aliasing implemented in-game. Just pause the game and have a look at the edges - at least 2x multisampling going on. It really exceeds the distant draw detail of any race game attempted on the PSP by a great margin, making high speed driving with confidence possible. Distant track details are certainly exceeding the resolution of the screen due to the multisampling.

It is hard to believe that they were able to create such a fantastic driving experience on this platform.

If you are a fan of driving, in it's pure, stripped down form - you must have this game!!!!

I love the sim-like take on the progression through the game, with all tracks available from the onset. Forget any kind of "goal structure" or virtual league with fancy cut-scenes - this is racing - pure and simple.

Time trial lets you just run lap after lap - no three lap runs and then back to the main menu. Races can be as many laps as you want - up to 99!!!!

I used to hate the games that would limit track time to tiny 3 lap intervals. This is more like a real sim where you can just take a car out and drive to your hearts content.

Beautiful. Realistic. Straight-forward. Fun!

The best thing to happen to the PSP, ever (for a guy who's into racing)

When I can't be behind the wheel of my iRacing triple-screen cockpit, this is plenty good and it fits in my pocket!