Best ever PSP Racing game.

User Rating: 10 | Gran Turismo: The Real Driving Simulator PSP
This is the best ever racing game for the PSP. In fact this is one the best racing games in any console, portable or not. GT game has great graphics. The best ever for a PSP game. Sometimes they look like HD graphics. It also has a lot of different racing circuits and a lot of cars. The cars have excellent driving physics that match the type of cars they are. Also the sense of speed is really good. On top of that it has a lot of good challenges, although i admit the difficulty level in some of them is a bit frustrating and unrealistic. Apart from this, GT is in my opinion a perfect racing game. I love racing games and all i can say is if i didn't have a PSP i would have bought one just to play this game. I have spent hours and hours playing it and i am not even close to get bored with it ,and that is something very unusual for me. My advice to you is if you like racing games and don't have this one buy it. I can assure you will not regret it.