There is one word that best describes Gran Turismo PSP. That word is; Bleh...

User Rating: 3 | Gran Turismo: The Real Driving Simulator PSP
This game is really bad. I mean, its BAD bad. I bought this when I got my PSP, the bundle and I regret it. It sucks. The competitors automatically get better cars than you do, and they always stay on the driving line. My PSP came with a voucher for an amazing looking car, which actually turned out to be about as fast as a carrot. This game is bad. It's AVGN material. Stay away from this game at all costs. You would be much better off buying Burnot Legends. It is half the price and is way more fun. So back to Gran Turismo, all you can do is tutorial, Single Race and Time mode. No championships, online mode or story mode. I am trading this in as soon as possible. Sega GT on the dreamcast is way better than this. You are proboably thinking, "The graphics are good, I mean look at the trailer!" That trailer looks nothing like the real game. The graphics look like crappy PlayStation 2 graphics. So definetley do not buy this for $39.99