Gran Turismo might be the best overall racing game for the psp, but overall, there's not much to do.

User Rating: 7.5 | Gran Turismo: The Real Driving Simulator PSP
Well, i was waiting for my copy of gran turismo ever since i realized that it was a christmas present, and i still love it, however there are quite a few let downs that stop the game from being what it could have been.

Graphics: 9/10
The graphics are awesome in my opinion. I loved the way everything looked, that smooth and glossy texture in everything, this game is definitely eye candy.

Gameplay: 9/10
The gameplay is also great, probably the best racing game for the psp, i loved racing, it was just so fun and epic, the speed and the crazy turns and everything.

Sound: 7/10
The engine noises are great and the brakes sound real, but it's the music that really let me down. I only liked one of the sound tracks, and that was the one in the opening movie(although it was insane, it only plays once in a while), and the soundtracks just sound annoying most of the time.

Presentation: 8/10
I liked the way this was presented. The menu is unusual, but easy to use, it's kind of a surprise, because i've never seen this kind of menu, and now that i do, i'm starting to love it.

Worth Playing?: 5/10
Well, i have never added this section onto my reviews before, but this time i have to. While GT is a great racing game on it's own, there really is little sense of playing it. Yes you earn money for races, but generally only 3,000-10,000 and that is nowhere near enough to buy that 2 million credit Bugatti you've always dreamt of. And the challenges get insanely hard after a while, which really really starts to annoy. If as little as a hair(well, not the best comparison, but anyway) of your car touches the environment, you fail the challenge, and it become truly annoying when you have 20 seconds to get through a zig-zag track with those physics.

Overall: 7.5/10
Great racing game overall, but having almost no reason to keep playing, puts it down immensely into the dirt.