Very fun and challenging racing. few problems but my review tells more.

User Rating: 9.5 | Gran Turismo: The Real Driving Simulator PSP
Yes it's true this game does lack quite a few pleasures it's predecessors had but really it is a lot of fun. there's no carrier mode which made me a little...shocked at first, and i may add this was my first game on the psp go so it was my only for about 2 weeks i may add as the price of the go, this game, and a case left me in need to wait for another, but thats where it grew on me, i forgave the game for not having an online mode or campaign and went strait to finishing all of the trials. i still havnt gold medaled everything though i may add. but really i continued on to play the race mode and it is a great experience as this game offers a great cockpit mode that many racing game still lack today. some people say they didnt like the fact that only 4 or so dealers show up at a time with 6ish cars each but this alone is a good reason to keep racing. over time you'll see a car "mine currently being the le mans quatro by audi" that you will just want. but you wont have the money. so you'll go back to race and get more money and yes the car of your dreams will be gone i assure you and you will be driven to keep playing till you see it again. But here comes the curve ball you go into the store and see you can afford a nice new corvette so you may do what i did and buy that beautiful machine only to see that 20 minutes later you see your dream car and your 500,000 bucks short you feel a little dumb and laugh at yourself but you are still having fun and reach for that audi again. i don't know how others experiences with this game have been but mine has been great thus far and im having a blast still. Did i mention the graphics are good as well? really this game has some smooth textures and a great engine there are no glitches the developers took a great deal of care in this games gameplay. gas and brake work very well and the differences between dirt snow blacktop and pavement are great, when racing dirt getting a slick and awesome rally car will be very satisfying you'll eventually learn to drift and tahitti maze will be a great rush to just constantly eat your best time again and again. even though i have constantly pushed for at least trying to play many of my other psp games this game really hulls me in before class and before bed or even in the car ive even put down my desires to play its console big brother to just acquire more vehicles. My only downpoints are that theres no online "which real gamers should be able to forgive as online really hasn't existed for that long" or carrier which does that really matter? i mean you beat it once or twice and are finished with a racing games career. this game is well worth your cash and is very fun for hours unend.

P.S sound in the game is excellent the roars of classic muscle cars is very different from the sheer excellence of a modern day sport car. Especially when you throw on a nice set of headphones the games stereo sound is excellent in that every screech of the brakes or hum of your rivals engine clinging at you is fantastic. Another thing i forgot to mention is the rivals in your racers get harder each course you recieve you A-C class by being smoother and more efficient for each course not just one kablam of all your efforts. an A driver in one course does not mean an A driver in another .