The Gran Turismo Series pulls off another gem.

User Rating: 9.5 | Gran Turismo 5 PS3
Newly Updated

Despite the head line, this is not going to be a GT5 gushfest, rather it will be a factual and objective review.

I recently purchased a PS3 just to play this game and a few others I found to be great games. I also bought the PS3 because I felt it was the SUPERIOR gaming platform among the competition. But enough about why I got the PS3, now on to the main event.

I purchased GT5 mainly to keep my record intact for playing every GT series game, and I was not disappointed.

First off is the gameplay. I love a challenging racer, but challenging this is not. Like other reviewers, I can say without doubt that if you want to beat a race, you will have to modify the intended car and wallop them like Jeremy Clarkson with a hammer. As said earlier, I am over 20 hours in so far and am at Level 13. I love this leveling system. I do not have to take the stupid licensing tests, so I can just dive in. Most of the licensing tests are set up so that you have to be Superman or some other super hero just to get a gold time. I also love the fact for all cars, you can control the ABS and the Traction Control. This has come in very handy with some unruly cars (rear drive and high performance) that in GT4 and lower games could be a handful to drive.

Second, Graphics. They do recycle a majority of the "Standard" cars from GT4. I really don't care. I like the feeling that you have to earn the privilege of the premium car appearance. I just wish that Polyphony would have cut down the cars to a manageable 500 and made them all premium, but I do enjoy driving some old favorites. I acquired a Buick Special '62 that for it's age and with some modification is one of the best cars in the game, and it is a standard car. The tracks are excellent for the most part. I do not see where some other reviewers say there are glitches, but of course, I do not have an HDTV. The cockpit graphics are also excellent. The only glitch I can see is that the shadows are too rough around the edges, but it's a game, it does not have to be 100% perfect and lifelike. Games are like a masterpiece, you have to leave one flaw so it can be your own. Shadows are this game's one flaw.

Third and final is Customization. WHO NEEDS IT! You can paint with paint chips acquired throughout the game by purchasing cars. They can only be used once. There are custom wheels, but who needs those. A total waste of money. The only customization that matters is what can go on under the hood and drivetrain. That is what really impresses me. I would rather the car perform perfectly than be able to be customized cosmetically to look silly and drive horribly.

In short, GT5 is an almost perfect game that you should go out and get as soon as you read this review. It is as close to driving a supercar that most anyone will get. It is worth the money and then some.

Also, if you can afford it, get the Driving Force GT Wheel. It takes this game to a whole new kicka** level.