I can't belive this game got such a love score on GameSpot because this is one of the best RPG's of all time!

User Rating: 9 | Gothic PC
Maybe its graphics are poor now, but seven years ago they were bombastic. It has some glitches and stuff, but thats just a small downfall of this game. It has a great landscape on which you can venture, and some "camps"(one camp could be a small town). There are multiple NPCs with quests inside so you dont get bored and some NPCs with no quests. If you're good you can kill them without being seen so they aren't completely useless. You can join different civilization like swamp people or mercenaries. It's up to you to decide which are worthy of your greatness. You can learn multiple skills like pickpocketing and hunting beats down. Money can be earned on multiple ways.(you can skin animals if you like or pickpocket wealthy men) Gothic is an unique game which I bet you will never forget.