It's interesting to see how inventive you can be with garbage. It's still garbage though...

User Rating: 2 | Gotham City Impostors X360
Take a few interesting ideas for combat mechanics, some funny-looking characters, back them up with the old super-hero element, put them together as fast as you can - don't stop to think- and what have you got? Gotham City Impostors! This game is a collection of fun ideas, mixed together in a sloppy mess that should make any real gamer sick.

I am a gamer who prefer games that has a fun and creative idea behind them, and lots of freedom to do what you want. This game has that, to an extent. But none of it really feels like it's been worked on for long. It's more like the developer had some potential ideas and put them into the game as fast as they could before going on a coffee break until release date.

Simply put: If you like well-made games, do yourself a favor: Don't play Gotham City Impostors.