I will be reviewing Goldeneye Rouge Agent for the Gamecube

User Rating: 7.8 | GoldenEye: Rogue Agent GC
Goleneye Rouge Agent is a good game.Most reviews I have read says that it isnt a good game they mostly compared it to the Halo series but first play the game and then see if they like it O.K. Goldeneye is a good game which I will be talking about the faetures and more. First off we have duel wielding guns and combanation that is cool. Second we have computer system for the computers in the game there not so hard if you had trouble in the bond series.Third Story Mode isnt so hard (mostly easy) so you wont get stuck. Fourth the multiplayer is still the same but with levels from the past Bond films and Bond games with new characters. Fifth Now there is Online mode where you can battle it out with your friends online (8 player max). There are characters from the past Bond films who return Auric Goldfinger (your boss int he game) and Dr No (the guy who you kill in the game) along with Scarmanga (man with the golden gun), Oddjob (who is Auric Goldfingers henchman who throws a hat), Xenia Onatopp (some crazy lady). Finally your hero james Bond isnt in the game No!! he is not dead just on a vacation somwhere but while he is gone we have Goldeneye (The Man With The Goldeneye) which lets you to beacome the ultimate bad guy. That comes to a end of the review so I say Rent or Buy Goldeneye Rouge Agent and lets hear your dissicion and watch the next Bond film on November 25 2005.