GoldenEye 007: Reloaded is an up-to-date HD remake of a remake, and what a brilliant one it is, too! Games Bond is back!

User Rating: 9 | GoldenEye 007: Reloaded PS3

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded is a contemporary, HD version of the Nintendo64 original, that was critically and publicly acclaimed worldwide, is a classic, probably paved the way for all other first-person shooters to follow it, and was, and still is, thought to be one of the very best (of all platforms and genres) games out there, even today amongst the likes of Battlefield, Call of Duty, and Assassin's Creed.

You play as James Bond, A.K.A. Agent 007 (who is voiced very well by current Bond, Daniel Craig). 007 has been sent in with Alec Trevelyan, A.K.A. Agent 006 (who is voiced by Elliot Cowan, who has also worked on Dragon Age: Origins), to stop an illegal arms deal/trade from taking place in Russia. On the way to the airfield (which is where the weapons are being unloaded), you spot an E.M.P.-hardened (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) helicopter. You have enough time, so you decide to go and find it, and take several pictures of it to send to MI6 back in London, England. However, things take a little longer than originally planned, and you are late for the rendezvous with 006. You get there, but only just, to try jump off a dam, which is where and how you entered the facility in the first place. 006 jumps off and parachutes down to the bottom, you go to follow him, but are stopped by guards that have caught up with you. They ask you to take off your parachute and hand it over, you oblige, except you open the parachute, blocking their vision and allowing you to jump off the dam... WITH NO PARACHUTE!! Cue awesome title intro sequence....!!

The good:

1) The graphics are really quite good, especially for a 007 game!
2) Even the story has been updated to fit current problems (mainly financial ones) occurring in England at the moment.
3) All the guns have a different feel to them.
4) This edition has a new mode, called MI6 Ops, which is basically Modern Warfare 3's Survival mode mixed with some of its Spec Ops missions. You have to survive whilst completing certain objectives in different maps.
5) The voice-acting is brilliant, as is the lip-synching.
6) There are a great number of tense and exciting missions.
7) The main campaign lasts around seven to seven and a half hours on 007 difficulty.
8) The multiplayer is excellent, it is basically an HD version of the originals multiplayer, only with better and more varied guns to play with (and better attachments), and more playable and unlockable characters.
9) If you own a PlayStation 3, you get two extras for free, whether you have the MI6 Edition or not.
10) You get to interact with teammates, enemies (via takedowns, see below point), and objects/items in the game.
11) There are numerous, fun takedowns to perform on enemies if you are running low on ammo, or would just prefer to save it all for longer distance firefights.
12) YAY!! This game is compatible with CHEAT CODES!!!

The bad:

1) There are some extremely frustrating moments in the game which seem unfair, especially when your last saved point and/or checkpoint was ten minutes ago!
2) Too much of the game feels exactly the same as the Wii version, only with HD graphics, MI6 Ops, and no Time Trial Mode (see below point).
3) Time Trial Mode was a great additional mode in the Wii's version of the game, that provided a tense and engaging mode outside of the original, main campaign and fast multiplayer modes that allowed you to compete against either yourself (offline) or you and the rest of the world (online). Unfortunately, for some strange reason, it has removed completely from this year's edition.

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