Golden Sun reminds you why RPG games are so damn enjoyable.

User Rating: 9 | Golden Sun GBA
Golden Sun is an excellent RPG for the GBA, its a must have for the system. It combines great graphics and storytelling while giving you an excellent, fun, new combat system. There are enough monsters, attacks, magic spells, and summons to kill the reptitiveness of a regular RPG which keeps the game fun and fresh. The djinnis are great making a new special attack for every little creature you get. The boss battles are really fun and proves to show that the GBA is capable of projecting good graphics. This game really brings a person back to the good ol' SNES RPGs like Final Fantasy 3, 4 , and 5. The characters that you meet throughout the game would be really memorable. By the end of the game you would be sad not to be able to interact with them anymore. Overall Golden Sun is an excellent game with an excellent cliffhanging end. Anyone who has a GBA should defintely give this game a try.