30 years have passed and all the heroes are old. I just love how their sons & daughters took the risk!

User Rating: 10 | Golden Sun: Dark Dawn DS
I have been loving Golden Sun all my entire life, same as I love Batman, Superman, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings (that includes those amazing NINTENDO games). I enjoyed the first one and second one, but this third game, have moved me, inspired me. Is one of the BEST STORIES TOLD ON A VIDEO GAME (next to those of FINAL FANTASY story-telling's and scripts very well made). Since I'm a 7th art woman, who loves acting and voice overs, maybe I can make a critic on that side. The story for me has 10/10.

Now the game, the graphics...I miss the old ones. I'm not saying they were bad or anything, since they were great, but I DO miss the ones in the last two games. The power ups, the monsters, the djinns, all was the same thing. The only thing that made me look mad as a hatter was the ending (all the things they did for SPOILER!?) Oh well, at least the sons & daughters were awesome. I did not expect deaths on this game, and for that, I got shocked! It was so sad! Oh well, to end this short review for a video game, 10/10. That includes story, the way all the characters unite, the way those SUMMONS were (I need to admit, THEY ALL ROCKED, including ECLIPSE). Agree? If you don't, I will understand. PD: I only make reviews for movies, is kind of hard to make reviews for games (since I'm not a gamer freak as my brother). Enjoy and happy life!