Heavenly Axe.

User Rating: 8 | Golden Axe: Beast Rider PS3
So now i've finished this game on the normal difficulty setting what are my thoughts? Well, firstly comparisons to Heavenly Sword are inevitable (guess i'm a sucker for scantily clad female warrior types). Both have a coloured enemy attack warning, but here it's easier to use, for Orange glow you press L1 for Blue R1. Then you have X and SQUARE, X for horizontal attack, and SQUARE for vertical, once you get the timing right you should move from enemy to enemy. It's all really hack and slash, something that's been kept from the original game(s), so anyone looking for a deep game should look elsewhere. The lack of co-op didn't bother me as that would take away from Tyrus' story rather than add. The learning curve was well ethed out, even if the game isn't allways clear what it wants you to do to proceed. The beasts feel sluggish to begin with but once you get a feel for them and their unique attacks and movements that won't be a worry. A more open world would have been welcome. Nice ending too, Golden Axe II anyone? I'm allready waiting for it.