I thought this game was way better than what gamespot gave it. Space Godzilla is my best monster.

User Rating: 9.3 | Godzilla: Save the Earth PS2
I think this game was really cool because I love watching the Godzilla movies. Also when I first played destroy all monsters melee I liked playing the games. Then I got Save the Earth and I thought it was way better and easier to understand than destroy all monsters melee. Also if you where to play this game and not just like to fight in Destruction then you must hate Godzilla and anything that has to do with it. My favorite is Space Godzilla because he can generate crystals and do a number of things with them. He can heal with them and when there are crystals close by his energy recharges faster, he can attack with them, and I think there are 1 or more other things. But my favorite thing about him is is tele grab. Just press the grab button 20 feet away and you can grab your enemy and buildings.