It's good, fun fighting with all the classic monsters, but loses it's interest.

User Rating: 7.8 | Godzilla: Save the Earth XBOX
Godzilla: Save the earth is a good fighting game, it has good graphics and good gameplay, unfortunately it loses its interest quickly after you've got all the unlockables.

The gameplay is great if you have some friends, but it is abit dry after everything is done and isn't brilliant without friends since the computer is terribly annoying to fight on harder difficulty. There are a good few mini games aswell as to railshooters that are interesting but again, boring after awhile.

The graphics are good, despite all the crap you may hear about them, the textures are good, as you can see the scales of the monsters. Overall, the graphics are clean and easy on the eye.

The sound is alright, the game uses the original sounds from the movies, but no sound track.

The good: Good fighting with all your favourite monsters, good graphics and mini games.

The bad: Terribly annoying computer

The ugly: Loses it's interest very quickly if you don't have alod of friends to play it with.

In all, it's great seeing your favourite monsters smashings eachother's brains out and the fighting is great. But it won't last as long as you might think. Pick it up if it's cheap and if you like fighters.