It brings back the days when giant monsters destroying buildings was the coolest thing ever.

User Rating: 6.3 | Godzilla: Kaijuu Dairantou GC
I was very excited when I heard about a Godzilla game. I've been an avid fan of Gojira ever since I was a kid, and there is still a space for him in my heart. This game is a classic, just because it is very cool to have giant monsters duking it out while destryoing a famous city. Of course, maybe Godzilla isn't cool these days, but who cares? This game is plain fun. Of course the storyline is just like that of any one of the old Godzilla films. Aliens use the monsters to try and take over the world. Not the most original, and I'm sure they could've done better, but it gets the job done. There are over ten monsters, most of them fan favorites. They include Godzilla '90's, Godzilla 2000, Anguirus, King Ghidorah, Gigan, Megalon, Mecha-King Ghidorah, Fire Rodan, Mechagodzilla II, and Destroyah. There is another secret monster that I won't tell you, but you will most likely figure out before you unlock him. Appearances are also made by Mothra and Hedorah. Of course the fighting system isn't the best. The controls are kind of clumsy and the moves don't come too varied. But these are giant monsters, what do you expect. Sometimes it is hard to manuever in the cities, especially tight ones like Tokyo. At times the game is cheap, by putting power-ups near your foe (a lot) and some of the monsters far outbalance others. Just imagine Anguirus fighting Mechagodzilla. We all saw how their first encounter went. This Mechagodzilla is even more powerful. Other than that, the game is pretty fun, mostly when cities are trampled.

This game doesn't have the best graphics. Overall they're just kinda - bad. The monsters and backgrounds are pretty blocky. Some things just look cheap. Body parts constantly go through buildings and other monsters. But try to remember this isn't what the game is about.

The soundtrack is alright overall. I really don't think it gives the "Godzilla feel" very well. Most of the time you can't even hear it anyways. But I'm most happy the Godzilla Theme is included. This makes up for it all. The monster noises are all portrayed well as they were in the movies. The hitting effects do sound kind of cheesy though. The "breath" weapons are probably the best effects in the game, the sound awesome. Oh, and the alien leader does a great voice job, it reminds you of those overplayed ones back then.

There are three different difficulties. You probably won't want to take the time to beat all three, but the incentive of Atari powers will keep you coming back. They unlock pictures and sketches in the Gallery which are pretty neat. Survival Mode will keep you occupied for a short period. But the best part is definitely multiplayer. With up to four monsters fighting, things get rough. The very cool Destruction Mode is neat too. You can figure out what you do in that. However, this game isn't even worth a purchase or rent now, because you can get Save The Earth which is a much improved version of this game. However, if you just have a GameCube, it will satisfy your Godzilla needs.