If you have not played this game then you have yet to live.

User Rating: 10 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
First off, this is such an awsome game because it has it all,fighting,blood gore,traps,puzzles,EVERYTHING! its hard where it needs to be and easy where u want it to be

This is such a good game. its the best war/myth/upgrade/violent game out there for the PS2 (i also like GTA too)its really good with all the features i wanted..great visuals,great EVERYTHING

the only thing i would improve is the blood..it looks a little fake,but other than that its perfect

Oh and did i mention the combos are breathtakigly awsome because u can upgrade them and learn new ones and go up levels wh\ith those xperience orbs (u know...the red ones lol)

VERDICT: about 10/10