One of the best games for the PS2...

User Rating: 9 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
God of War is a great game.It is probably one of the best games for the PS2 and this shows.I don't think there are too many better looking games for the PS2 than God of War.In the game you play as Kratos who is a mighty warrior who by the end of the game becomes a god.The plot is great and the voice acting is top notch.The in-game music is great and fits the game perfectly,while the sound effects just help the game deliver more than it already does through it's awesome gameplay.These sound effects make the whole experience feel more real and you will eventually feel like beeing in those places where Kratos is walking around.
The gameplay is great,Kratos beeing able to perform a few attacks like heavy attack or light attack.Any combination will lead to a combo which looks very real and does help a lot when you have dozens of enemies around you.You also have a lot of god powers which you will also be able to upgrade by collecting a certain amount of points.Kratos also has a couple of weapons at his disposal which will help you eliminate enemies in different ways.A very good part of the game are the boss fights which eventhough not so many they really are great fun.In these boss-fights you will have to press the according button to the image on the screen to kill the boss.
It's all fun.God of War is an amazing game which deserves to be considered as one of the best in it's genre.If you are not willing to buy this game,a rental should do.

My Score 9.2