9.3?? We talking about the same game!!!!

User Rating: 1.6 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
I purchased this game based off the review this site wrote. (I won't ever do that again.) I went out and paid big bucks for this "Arcade" "non-fluid" game. I was very disappointed that I even took the game to my local game trade show and traded it in for Prince Of Persia-Two Thrones. I could only stand to play the game for less than an hour. After playing Prince with a friend prior to God of War, I was expecting a huge difference based off this site's rating of the two.

1st off, the mechanics of the game suck. You can walk on a beam, but if you step off, it still walks the beam. (Like walking on air!) Then, there is no fluid like movement at all like you find with Prince Of Persia-TT. No camera 360 like you get in PP and Shadow Of The Colossus. I felt like I was playing a game back in the 90's.

You all need to reevaluate this game, and Prince Of Persia. Either that, or you need to get out of your game room, walk around some and then try it again.

I was very disappointed in the game, and this site's review. BAD,BAD,BAD.