You don't find many games as good as this one.

User Rating: 9.9 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
When I first got this game for my birthday in March 2005, I was a little bit confused. "God Of War? What's that?" Apparently, I'd never heard about this game until that day. Good thing my parents got it for me, or I'd be missing out on one of the best games I've ever played.

The game takes in ancient Greece. Don't be fooled by the name like I was. You ARE NOT the God War. Aries is. His objective: destroy Athens. But you, are Kratos. In exchange to what you've done to other people in the past, your tasked to save Athens -- by killing Aries. Sure, it doesn't look easy early on. But you've got your uber-powerful "Blades Of Chaos". The gods will give you a hand whilst magical powers. And yourself, mashing the X, square, circle and triangle buttons. Of course, you have to go up against some evil things. Medusa, some Kraken-like serpents and, and of course, the God Of War himself, Aries. Think your up for the challenge?

Anyways, God Of War -- in my opinion -- was surprisingly good for me. I was stunned with its gameplay and impressive storyline. Obviously, its one of the best PS2 games I've ever played. Make sure that if you own a PS2 that you get this game because you don't find many games as good as this one.