Quality of the games aside, this is a good collection.

User Rating: 8 | God of War: Origins Collection PS3

*DISCLAIMER: Your regular reminder that this review will only look at the "God of War: Origins Collection" as a remaster collection, and will not focus as much on the individual quality of the games. My reviews of the games themselves are on my profile if you're interested in my thoughts.*


  • Two solid games on one disc, now on console.
  • The porting job is pretty solid overall.
  • Graphics still look good even when blown up on a console.
  • Smooth, stable 60 FPS is very nice.
  • May very well be the best way to play these games now.
  • It's nice that these games translate well to being played on a home console.
  • $40 at launch is a pretty decent price for this.
  • Addition of 3D visuals (and the "Ghost of Sparta" DLC) is honestly kinda cool if you're into that.


  • The issues from the previous "God of War Collection" persist here.
  • The games included here, though canon, are not exactly essential in the franchise, so you don't necessarily *have* to own this collection unless you’re a completist.

Consensus: You see now why I add disclaimers for these reviews: a remaster collection got a higher score than either of the games included in it (by one point, but still). Yes, I have my qualms with the PSP "God of War" games (in that...they don't do anything unique with the formula), but as a re-release, "God of War: Origins Collection" is pretty nice. If anything, I'm glad to see that these two PSP games were translated nicely to a console and feel like natural shifts. And the overall porting/remastering job is nicely done here. I still wouldn't say these two chapters are the most "essential" parts of "God of War," but if you're looking to play them, try them through this collection. You might have yourself a ball.

Final rating: 8 out of 10 "Great"