Not the fitting end the series deserved....(Contains Major Spoilers)

User Rating: 7.5 | God of War III PS3
Just a my thoughts on this game:

Graphics - 10
Sound - 8
Gameplay - 8
Story - 5
Replay value - 6

First of all I'd like to say: I actually borrowed a friends PS3 just to play this game as I had played the previous 2 games and loved them. So, I really wanted to see the conclusion of Kratos' story.
But... Despite the pretty gloss of paint, God Of War 3 is not the ending this series deserved.

The graphics are phenomenal & the gameplay is just what I expected: Carnage, puzzles & quality boss fights all on a huge scale.

After reading Gamespot's review which stated it was a fitting end to the series, I thought the story would be decent.....

It's not.

Well, that may be harsh: It's fairly decent & it had me interested until the last part of the game.....
Kratos takes the sword of Olympus & plunges it in to himself, with a load of un-answered questions & a few glaring plot holes.
He just seems to kill himself for pretty much no reason other than to ease his suffering, which I thought was the whole point of killing Zeus. It just didn't seem to make any sense.
While the ending is pretty conclusive, it wasn't quite the epic ending I was hoping for.
Look at MGS4 for example, while the ending is a little sad, it is truly epic & I felt a great sense of accomplishment after completing it.
With God Of War, I was more like: "Is that it ?"
After 3 games, that's the best ending they could come up with ?!?!?!

However, despite the clumsy story & un-satisfactory ending, I did have a blast playing this game & enjoyed the combat immensely.
It's just a shame the developers didn't put more thought in to the games conclusion.
Maybe it's just me, because I enjoy a good yarn !

If this truly is the end of Kratos, then, from a story perspective, it really is a disappointing one. The game didn't necessarily need a 'Happy' ending, just a better one.

So, in short: If, like me, you bought it to see how the story would end, you will be disappointed.
However, if you bought this just to run riot & obliterate a load of cool enemies, you will enjoy it immensely.