Kratos returns, more pissed then ever. With new trick up his sleeve, prepare for his bloodiest and biggest adventure yet

User Rating: 9 | God of War II PS2
--The original God of War, was basically, one of the best PS2 games of its time. It had everything, action, puzzles awesome story, amazing visuals, and enough blood and gore to last a life time. Now here come its sequel, not only does it top the first one in every way, its arguably the best PS2 game to this date. --The story leaves off, a little after the first one ended. Kratos is now the God of War, after defeating Ares. Basically Kratos is pissed off...again. Zeus took his godly powers away and stabbed Kratos on the belly. Kratos must now turn back time to where Zeus screwed him over and kick the crap out of him. In order to turn back time Kratos, must find the sisters of fate. So most the game is spent in their temple, or making your way to it. The story progresses slowly, and you only start to figure stuff out, well into the game.
Which is another reason to keep playing. What I loved about the story is that is actually made me want to knock the lights out of Zeus. --The graphics are what you would expect from a God of War game. Every area is designed with every detail you would expect from a Greek building, swamps, fiery areas and woods. Every detail is polished to give it extra spunk that really makes the visuals stick out. There is not clipping to be found, not that there is none, its more like the developers avoided it at all means. I almost have not complaints about the visuals, just that Kratos's shadow can get a bit glitchy at times. --The play mechanics are not the best I've ever laid my hands on but they are still very good. You have your basic attack, which can be made in to combos by pressing more then one button. You also have a boat load of magic and extra weapons. Krato's standard weapon are two blades attached to chains, you swing them at enemies and kill them. The standard weapon is what you will use, most of the game. You also have magic, most of which is new to God of War II. You have a bow narrow which is down right fun as hell. There is magic to cause earthquakes where Kratos stomps on the ground, and many other like lighting to push back enemies and the returning magic to turn enemies into stone. It all works very well, all you have to do is push the D pad and you have another magic ready. Kratos also comes equipped with different weapons with their on unique abilities. But you will mostly be using his standard weapons. --Their are a ton of complex puzzles, around every turn there is a puzzle. They all consist of similar ways to solve them, pull a lever, spin a lever. Some puzzles have more to it, like pushing a statue while a giant phoenix shoots blazing hot fire at you. All the puzzles are tricky and require some help, so consider dishing some extra money for a game guide, or.. just use gamespot's. The amount of puzzles kinda gets a little much, after every boss fight and every epic cut scene, you are thrown in a death pit, having to solve a puzzle to make your way out. The good news is that the puzzles are fun, they are just as epic as the battles and cut scenes. The usually end in a relief, or end in frustration. But still there is just too many to enjoy them after the 15th puzzle. --Hard to believe the action GoW II can top the first on action, but it does. You are pressing the same buttons as before, except Kratos, has more tricks up his toga. You will be spinning climbing and flying your way threw the game, in order to kill new enemies, in extremely bloody ways. The game is always throwing enemies at you, whether you are concentrating on a puzzle or gliding threw the air in Kratos's handy new wings (yes he gets some freaking wings!). They seem you have no mercy. But there are many downsides to hacking and slashing your way threw mountains of enemies. First off, you will be button mashing a lot, and it gets boring, not matter how epic the moment is. Secondly the A.I. on the standard enemies, is kinda dull, sure they hit you and stuff, but they don't really pull any tricks. The A.I. is not terrible but its not amazing. The boss's are very smart at least. Another thing is that, enemies can come at very hesitant times, you could be trying to solve a puzzle and they will come and distract and try to kill you. The developers did this on purpose, it gets annoying, especially on the hard difficulties. There are also many gory finishes you can do by pushing the O button when the icon apeares. --The cut scenes consist of the same stuff as the first adventure. Pre-renderd graphics, and pushing buttons to pull gory attack on your enemies. --So this game is an amazing game to finish the PS2 long and successfully running. Buy it enjoy it, remember that the game is "M" rated for good reasons, and contains nudity and brutal, brutal violence, and the kiddies will probably get confused by the story.It may be short but it kicks ass while it last. Cheers to the end of the PS2!