When we discovered how digital sadist a person can be! He, he.

User Rating: 10 | God of War II PS2
If you ask me about this second part I would say: More of the same. Yes. Better. Yes. I realized that I was playing this game about half an hour after I started playing it. Soooo inmersive. I loved the first part, like many of you. So why the hell the enterntainment should change. I do not like Kratos. If I would met him in real life I would hate him. Arrogant (Hilariously arrogant), full of animal brutality (God bless his girlfriend, he, he), sadist and not really loyal due to his egotistic nature. But no one would like to be his enemy. Some actor said once that women need experience and men, a mirror to develope their skills. Kratos is a very dark mirror. One that inflamates something buried inside of us. Something we would never show to anybody as long as we want to keep our friends. Give me more please of this neverending fun.