Takes some getting used to, but fun!

User Rating: 10 | God of War Collection (Ultimate Combo Pack) PS3
This was a blind purchase (the worst kind) and one of the best game purchases made by me. While the biggest complaint is the fixed perspective on Kratos (inability to look around Kratos), this game is still a blast. When jumping for a few of the ropes it can be hard to get the line just right. Also this does not help in finding all the hidden items. There are a lot of "blind" jumps and grabs. Get used to dying!
The addition of some of the cut scenes from the original is a neat reminder of the origins of the game. There are so many hidden items that in your first couple of run throughs get a guide and use the pause button. There are lots of things you need to make Kratos powerful enough to do well in the later Boss fights. The game play is smooth with no lock ups or jumpy scenes.
In your battles don't forget to grapple your opponents. This will leads to some great fight scenes. Try it you will like it!