This was OK but not really worth the money when it comes down to it.

User Rating: 8 | God of War Collection (Ultimate Combo Pack) PS3
The first two GoW games were simply marvelous and absolutely revolutionized gaming in some great ways. The scope of these games really challenged all developers to new heights in their efforts. Naturally, getting the opportunity to play them in HD seemed to be a great thing but for me they just didn't impress me like I hoped.

The reality is, while there are some clear places where it is obvious they have upscaled things to HD it isn't really enough to truly enhance the games in any real ways. For most passers by the improvements would not likely be evident without some intentional review. I just can't say that this "upgrade" was really worth the effort they put in as playing them on the PS2 would achieve the same outcomes when it comes to being impressed, etc.

One thing I wished too was that there was more additional content or what not. The cost was half of a brand new game but what we got was nearly the exact same stuff with no REALLY new goodness. So, in essence, one pays $30 to pay games and see content they already have in their collection. Playing it on my PS3 isn't really worth the money to me.

In the end, I've played both games in the series again and, admittedly, it was a lot of fun. However, the credit here goes to the tireless effort of former developers who first created this magnificent games. For those who are trophy hounds this might be worth it to you as you can get a lot of trophies very simply just by taking some time.