Great action and story!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | God of War Collection (Ultimate Combo Pack) PS3
These games were great years ago. Now they get a chance to really shine in HD!! The clean cut action, tight pace and epic simple story made these games the best on the PS2. The only reason that I didn't give this game a 10 is, while the HD transfer was good during the game, the cut scenes still had PS2 graphics. A small complaint but it doesn't take away from what these games have to offer. If you missed them the first time then this is the perfect opportunity to catch up.


You play as Kratos, who eventually takes the mantle of God of War, while taking your revenge on Ares. The second game, while not as tight as the first, tells of Zeus's betrayal and Kratos stripped of his godly powers. It leaves you in a cliffhanger ending that will leave you wanting more. If only a third game would come out..........