Two greatest games from PS2 now come to PS3

User Rating: 9.5 | God of War Collection (Ultimate Combo Pack) PS3
God of War Collection includes the first two installments from the series as they were for PS2 but updated in HD for your viewing pleasure on your big HDTV. The God of War games are of the finest quality, featuring epic battles, brilliantly designed levels and areas, simple and responsive controls, many different weapons each with its own combos, magical spells and many of the popular mythological creatures. One of the best features about God of War is that, apart from when starting or loading the game, it does not have any loading times at all. The whole game is connected like one seemless big area.

One of the downsides are the puzzle segments, which require you to pull certain blocks and place them on certain designated areas and that can lead to a halt of the great combat pace that this game is all about. But still a little change doesn't hurt much and is good in fact to rest your fingers a bit and get ready for the next fight while you get a chance to use that brain of yours.

Also for some weird reason, the cinematic cut scenes are not converted to HD, since I'm guessing they were prerecorded to use less space on the DVD few years back, so they look very grainy and blurry, and the transition between gameplay and cut-scene can be a bit of a turnoff at some points.

Spamming R2 to open each chest can get really tiresome after a while, but bare with it since its worth it and was fixed in the later installments. The jumping animation is also worth mentioning, it doesn't seem natural, especially the double jump, Kratos seems to be moved by some unseen force instead of actually jumping (at least that's the way I felt it).

Still, those are but small imperfections that stand out like a sore thumb because everything else is pure awesome, but it wont hurt the experience.The Collection also adds trophy support, and the "making of" both games. Since you get two great games with one purchase, its definitely worth it, especially since GoW 3 starts right off a cliffhanger, its a great thing new players get the chance to see whats it about before heading to the grand finale.

So if you like action games, and didn't play God of War for some reason yet, look no further cause this is the best there is.