These games are more brutal than Kratos himself!

User Rating: 9 | God of War Collection (Ultimate Combo Pack) PS3
These games can only be described with 1 word. Brutal.

Gameplay: The gamplay is definitely a huge part of what makes these games epic. The sheer brutalness of the gory combos in these games just make the experience very enjoyable. With weapons ranging from hacky-slashy swords, to head-crushing mallets, how can you lose!? But it's not just combat. There are a ton of challenging puzzles that can really get you thinking hard, from simple yet hard block puzzles, to advanced corpse dragging, cliff jumping puzzles. Just the mix of these 2 things makes the games really fun.

Visuals: Now, it does say that they re-mastered it in high definition, which they did. For the most part anyway...They got lazy on most cut scenes. So in about 3/4's of the cut scenes, it's gonna look like you're playing an early PS2 game. But the gameplay and important story movies look fantastic. From the bloody claws on Harpies, to Kratos' vicious sneer. They just look great. (apart from the 3/4 of cut scenes as I mentioned before)

Audio: The audio is really impressive. From the mighty howl of of Ares, to the annoying screeching of Harpies. Though the sound is great, it's really unbalanced and can get annoying. For example, you could be in the middle of an onslaught, and it could be incredibly loud, so you would turn it down, then you go into a cut scene and it would be so quiet you could almost hear nothing. Even if you do tweak all the volumes, it never seems to change.

Story: If you're into Greek Mythology, you'll love God of War. It is set in ancient Greece and you play the brutally violent Spartan, Kratos. I don't really want to ruin it, but it definitely did a great job of sucking me in.

I personally loved this game, a definite 9/10.