2 of the greatest games from the PS2 on 1 disc.......bargain!!

User Rating: 9 | God of War Collection (Ultimate Combo Pack) PS3
God of War 1 and 2 were without a doubt 2 of the greatest games on the PS2 and now they've been revamped and updated for the PS3 in this one disc, God of War Collection.
We are thrown into a world full of Greek myths and legends as the Spartan warrior Kratos who is out for revenge. As Kratos in both GOW 1 and 2 you have an airy of different weapons which are to be used in combination with various moves in order to slay your enemies in the most brutal way possible; one thing that the GOW series is most famous for and which translates perfectly into this new PS3 version is blood, guts and sheer brutality!
However physical attacks are not your only means by which to destroy your opponents, there are also a variety of different magical attacks which you gain as you progress through the game just as you do the different weapons. Both the weapons and magics are fully upgradable with red orbs which you receive after defeating enemies or after opening certain special chests along your journey.
When these 2 titles were released on the PS2 the graphics were at the top of their class, as you can imagine these old graphics are somewhat obsolete compared to what we have nowadays, but fear not because Sony did not just port these 2 games over to the PS3 but also gave the graphics a make over, making them run at 720p HD resolution as well as a faster frame rate……in other words they look almost as good as some PS3 titles!
The characters, monsters and scenery from ancient Greek myths are superbly detailed and really fit in with the dark and serious atmosphere of the game, making it even more captivating and the enemies are often instantly recognizable to anyone who knows anything of Greek myth (creatures from minotaurs and cyclops to harpies and Medusa).
The only slight problem that I have ever been able to find with the GOW series is that the fighting style is very repetitive but this style of hack 'n slash combat has become so much a part of the GOW series that to change it would almost be like completely changing GOW; to be honest the game is so much fun and gets you so hooked that you'll soon forgive the repetitive combat and won't want to stop playing.