Ascension may be "more of the same" but thats not a bad thing when it comes to God of War.

User Rating: 9 | God of War: Ascension PS3
What can I say about Ascension? First of all, yes, its just a retouched God of War III with less epic moments but it compensates the lack of amazing setpieces when compared to its predecessor with a revamped combat gameplay, better puzzles and better platforming. GoW III had a severe lack of puzzles when compared to previous games so I was glad Ascension felt more like old GoW in this department. The gameplay, though familiar, definitely evolved for the better. Now your chained weapons can be changed depending on four basic elements - Fire, Ice, Lightning and Purple Mist - that change considerably the combo system. When the player is doing well on combat, a rage meter will fill up enabling more powerfull attacks. Saying this I thought the game was considerably harder than previous God of War games.
Graphically is an amazing game. Sure the impact wont be as big as when GoW3 first came out but it still amazes at given times. Story/Characters wise its typical GoW with great voice acting but rather shallow characters. Still good for what it is. One last word for the last boss wich in my humble opinion, its probably the best boss in the entire saga, a hard feat to beat. Just breath taking...
All in all, Ascension is a great game that does no shame to the God of War franchise. Imersive and addictive from beggining to end.