Locked camera, why? Upgraded weapons, why?

User Rating: 7 | God of War: Ascension PS3
God of War: Ascension has some beautiful set pieces, wonderful atmosphere, and incredible (frustrating) fight sequences...

All ruined by the locked camera. Okay, I exaggerate. But the locked camera has caused many ready-to-throw-the-controller-across-the-room moments.

First, the designers and artists of the game should eviscerate the people in charge of the locked camera. Why, after such 3rd person games as Dead Space, Assassin's Creed, Uncharted... does it still exist in God of War? Don't tell me that it's "the way it is" because wheels on cars used to have wooden spokes. We've moved on. The beautiful design of the game (that which we're allowed to see) is lost because of this. GOW: Ascension could have broken the mold and really moved into the next generation of its franchise by unlocking the camera.

Second, it's not just all about visuals. Who here got lost in the mayhem of fighting when the camera was a mile away? Is that me (Kratos)... I'm trying to jump, but can't because I'm continuously knocked down... oh wait, that's me burning up in the fire. Restart... again.

Upgraded weapons? All show/flash, no substance. It would be better to spend orbs on costume changes to Kratos than weapons upgrades. They do nothing... relatively.

Story? Not really important in this game, I guess. It's confusing. But, that's secondary to the massive disappointment of the locked camera. The gods surely hate us.