Addictive fully powered multiplayer

User Rating: 9 | God of War: Ascension PS3
Let me start by sayin.... its ridiculous trying to compare GOW III with Ascension ... each of them has their own parts that truly shine... For instance, I hated GOW III's gameplay but enjoyed the story vv much and graphics were top notch... now Ascension is all about gameplay refinement ... graphics wise its ok... camera is a bit too far sometimes (but I guess they force u here to use magic and L1 attacks) .... now let me talk a lil bit about 2 of the best things in the game...

- Gameplay: This game is simply amazing in that aspect... The most powerful kratos Ive ever seen !!!! they added an extra way of attack.. that is... holding the attack buttons... weapons that u usually carry around that give u some advantages against certain enemies .. holding an enemy with one of the swords is a great addition too.. rage system is also very nice where the older moves seem more powerful and extra few moves are activated ... All in all, combat is more varied this time.

- Multiplayer: I don't really recall why were most reviewers angry about this one, but all I can say is, if Multiplayer was the only mode possible to play in that game .. it'd still be worth its full price.. I used to b the kind of guy who never seemed to have enough from one gow walkthrough and I used to keep on repeating the game just for the sake of killing more enemies etc... and for me playin over and over with the same character .. same flow of events ... same enemies in certain places .. i got eventually bored... Multiplayer in this game is amazing ... with multiple modes to choose from .. weapon and armor and abilities upgrades !!!! playin with new buddies every time ... makes the experience fresh and new every time i play .. i am almost like 20% done through the single player campaign .. and just yesterday I spent 5 hours playing multiplayer !!!!!!!!! only reason they were 5 hrs coz I really had to go do sth. .. TOP NOTCH here and well done for the very high replayability :)

- Story is NOT BAD !!!!!! but isnt as great as GOW III (but honestly I didnt like how III ended).. but there isnt just so many cut scenes .. for some1 like me .. i am very ok with that coz i only care about playing :D Ascension is a little bit weak when it comes to story .. (I find the best GOW story well done was GOW II anyway)...

From the way it feels, this game is not a MAIN iteration in the flow of the series... its more like a must buy for the extra GOW content it holds for the fans.. thats why santa monica were encouraged to pour in some new ideas for making things new and fresh ... and I can say that most of the things they've done have worked ... I am not pissed at the game asking them to patch it .. or a better story or bla bla .. I like the game like it is and I am not askin for more or any changes to it ..

All in all, this game .. like any GOW game is vicious, violent, action packs loaded ... so its got the famous GOW formula that makes us love trying more of it the whole time... and this time for even a longer time to come .