with simple words . the game is perfect in everything but the story ..

User Rating: 9 | God of War: Ascension PS3
with simple words . the game is perfect in everything but the story .. the graphics was much more better specially in brutal cut scenes and camera movements .. and sound was perfect despite some glitches specially in monsters fights ... and the brutal fights are much way better and harder than the previous ones .. Still the Trials Of Archimedes is the best gaming experience you can ever have .. i bet all who played never stopped screaming and shouting specially after passing it .. it's a great game in every way but the story wasn't that good and deep as expected .. main rule characters hasn't a deep rule in the story telling .. and over all the story didn't tel much details .. and still big mystery of all is those letters (QUJIKPHIUEEEKMJQUJ) :)

Story : 8.0
