Incredible............Can not stop playing.

User Rating: 9 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
It has been a long time since I woke up in the morning and my thumb hurt from playing a video game. Few games chain me to the chair and hold my eyes open all night, making me play over and over. This game does just that. Some of the puzzles were difficult, and the timing required to complete this game is verry difficult. Tons of monsters and mythological creatures, this is not some redundant beat-em-up. This game has it all with a wide variety of magic, and weapons upgrades that lets you choose how you want to play. A fine balance exists in the orb experience points system and how you are going to use them. I was very impressed with the boss battles, impressive enemies and great fights. The graphics of this game were amazing, showing that the aged PS2 is not out of the game yet, and can still produce great games. The cinimatics were also incredible as it ties the story together later in the game. The audio was top notch, and the voices were impressive. I felt like I was in Pandora's temple. The experience was great, and I think this game should be a part of every PS2 owner's collection. A very immersive game......two swords of chaos way up for the team that gave us this game.