Ares has pissed off the gods...but most importantly he's pissed off Athos, and you really shouldn't do that.

User Rating: 9.7 | God of War (Greatest Hits) PS2
I am in complete disbelief after only spending 1 hour in one of the most enthralling games for the PS2 ever. Not only do you get your blood, guts, and assorted violence, but you get a little nudity in there for good measure. I am only disappointed by this games lack of varity in the weapons department, but the upgrades for the weapons tend to make up for it. As you enter the gates of Athens, you see this gigantic figure hurling fireballs at everyone. That is when you know, that not only will you be shocked and amazed by the graphics engine for this game, you will have fun at the same time...I know thats what I look for in a game. Do yourself, and everyone else in your household a favor and go pick up this game. Not perfect, but very few ways to improve.