Wow, a surprisingly fun side-scroller+ !!

User Rating: 8.4 | Glory Days 2 DS
Well, well, well...
It appears that some team of designers have some favourite games in their secret emulator-rom files at work. And then they decided to do some design a-la-gene-splicing-esque development towards the making of this game.

It''s like Defender meets Metal Slug meets Spielberg Soundtrack meets (a way better than) Advanced Wars.

It's alot of fun. I'm not a big fan or pro-war "bang-bang kill evil-doers everywhere" type of video games. But this is a well done game.

The aircraft handling is fun. The strategy to some missions are demanding enough and the saving civilians by helicopter is just great.

And I was surprised that alot of time was spent making the game music sound engaging and soundtrack-like.. very nice.

It's a good choice for any fan of side-scrolling shot-em ups..