May Be Fun at Times, but some glitches and bugs may cause trouble

User Rating: 8.5 | Global Ops: Commando Libya PC
Global Ops Commando Libya is game filled with fun and boring moments, glitches may cause trouble at times, lets start:

In this game don't expect be a Libyan rebel, a team of CIA officers must stop a deal between Russian Mafia and a ''Libyan dictator'', leading to an adventure around to world, the begins on the north pole and ends in Libya. You play as Pole through the game, with West, he will be fighting with you most of the time.

so i give the story 8.0

The Game Plays alot like Gear Of War, there is a large number of
modern weapons that can be used, such as AK-47 and RPG's.
The game has lame AI, it doesn't choose the right cover, and makes wrong this alot, usually forces you to choose a harder difficulty for those who want challenge.
There are problems here and there, they don't tell you the key blindings, this means you will need to know them by your self. But you can find them easily, but you can't change them. And as for Multiplayer you won't really get a change to play it, because you need to write the IP of any game host, you will only experience the thrill of multiplayer if you have a friend who owns the game and would give you his IP address
So at the end i give gameplay 7.2

Okay Graphics, it looked solid at time but may be bad on some levels, the levels set in Libya really make you feel that you are in Libya, the houses look like the one in Libya and streets are nice and good textures, but some designs look bad.



I like Poles voice and his allies, enemies talk alot in this game, you can hear Ghadafi's Forces talking Arabic, and Russian enemies talking Russian.


Lasting Appeal:

Depending on the Difficulty, if you choose the easiest thing you can complete it under 10 hours, higher difficulties can be challenging and you may die alot causing you play longer.


Overall: Global Ops: Commando Libya is a nice game that may be very fun to some people, but i recommend renting it first before buying it, to see if you like it.
